Who hasn’t been influenced by an enthusiastic content creator describing the newest product you just have to have? Nearly any purchase in the world is just one click and a few days away from your front door step, and it can be difficult to avoid overconsumption when your social media feeds never stop showing you the next hot, new product. Well, TikTok’s newest trend, de-influencing, is here to put a stop to that.
What Is De-influencing?
Rather than listing off dozens of products your life won’t be complete without, TikTok creators are now dethroning overhyped, and often overpriced, products that fill everyone’s For You Page. Shein hauls, beauty routines, and Amazon storefronts are bountiful on TikTok, and a large sum of people are rebelling against the culture of consumption that has been so prevalent on the app. Videos tagged #deinfluencing have garnered
millions of views, often with comment sections filled with viewers
enthusiastically agreeing or chiming in with their own
money-saving tips.
What Does This Mean for Marketers?
As the original influencers, marketers make their living by convincing consumers that making purchases is a good idea. The entire ethos of de-influencing revolves around the idea that overconsumption is harmful to not just individuals, but society as a whole. This doesn’t mean that everyone should feel threatened by this trend. Brands whose identities center around sustainability would be wise to join the de-influencing trend. Patagonia’s “Don’t Buy This Jacket” campaign is a great example of a brand de-influencing consumers in a way that aligns with the company’s mission.
With algorithms making it easier than ever to feel pressured to make purchases, it’s no wonder that so many people are rejecting the prominent culture of consumption that dominates social media. Sustainability is an issue that continues to gain traction and become a concern for the general public. Brands who not only walk the walk but talk the talk of sustainability have nothing to fear when it comes to de-influencing. Here at SparkShoppe, we are always keeping up with what’s new and trending on social media. If you want to revamp your socials, reach out to us today!
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