For the past couple of weeks, many of us had to adapt to working from home for an extended period of time. What was once a benefit companies could offer as a flexible option for snow days and doctor’s appointments is our new normal. While these are uncertain times and no one knows what is going to happen, we’re all in this together. When you’re on a conference call and the dog starts barking or your kid wants to pop in and say hi to the team, everyone understands. So let the kid say hi because we could all use an extra smile right now! Since we are all adjusting to our new normal, here is what we’ve learned during our first week of having a completely remote team!
We know that you’ve probably read a hundred blogs this week about working from home and communication is always featured, but hear us out. Communication is a vital part of any organization in order to be successful, but this extends even further when working remotely. Team members need to be able to check in on each other’s progress, get updates on work assignments, and be able to ask for help! In addition to work related communication, many of us are realizing how much we rely on the small interactions we have with our coworkers. From updates on the events from the night before to talking about what our weekend plans are, these conversations don’t have to stop! Have a group chat or video call with your coworkers, the face to face interaction really does help!
One of the perks of being at home is that we are no longer confined to our desk. For instance, I’m currently writing this blog while laying on a yoga mat. Similar to how I used to write in college. This is the opportunity to move around, see what works for you and what kind of environment makes you the most productive!
Depending on your company culture, you now have more flexibility than ever in terms of your working hours. Set a schedule that works for you. That could mean starting work as soon as you wake up, a longer break in the middle of the day for exercise, or working later into the evening! Think about when you’re the most productive and adjust your working hours to fit. This also allows for more flexibility when working around babies' naps and bedtime!
Is there a certification that you’ve been meaning to get, but haven’t had the time to while working on projects for your clients? While none of us are happy about the current downswing many businesses are being forced into, this is the perfect time to finally brush up on your skills, watch some webinars, and learn as much as you can!
This time with our loved ones is unexpected, but we should be taking full advantage of it! So much of our lives are spent in the office and finding work-life balance can sometimes be a challenge. Look at this obstacle as an opportunity to spend more quality time with children, pets, and loved ones.
Our most important takeaway from working remotely is the safety and health of our team, our clients, and everyone around the world. We know that this time is especially hard for small businesses and services industries, if your business needs guidance and would like complimentary advice, we are here to listen and you with your specific marketing concerns. Stay healthy!
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